Something Lauren said last night in the Level 1 class prompted me to post this picture. We were exploring the exercise of everything in the room being a perfect part of an art installation, that every line and piece of green tape or sound or smell was purposeful and meant to be exactly as it was. After this exercise Lauren talked about how often we do not really examine or take in our sets on stage. She said we may not notice that piece of green tape on the wall but the director did and it was put there for a very specific reason. It was thought about and chosen to be in exactly the place it is. The conversation prompted me to post this because it reminded me of what Lauren was saying. (This is the only picture I have that shows the detailing on Donna Elvira's costume, so please excuse the hellions :) ) The ribbon trim on the dress is a nice detail but it hardly seems that it could have been mulled over for hours and considered so carefully but it was! 4-5 different types of trim, wider, thinner, one black stripe, two, ruched, flat... All of this was considered and tested by 3 costume designers before the ribbon that was chosen was added to the costume. They weighed the pros and cons of what was most aesthetically pleasing versus historically accurate. Just when the costuming students thought they had it right they had to try again. So, the next time I consider a costume, or a set, or a character I will think about how important all of the seemingly insignificant details are because as we discussed last night it all matters and is all there for a reason! The good, bad, and the ugly it is all there for a reason.
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Hey everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that I'm reading along and feeling quite privileged to do so. And you should feel free to check out my blog:
with love,
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